
January 24, 2014

Copy-Paste Pure Text

I hate when I copy some text, paste it into the document or mail and it is copied with formatting (bold colorful huge words). So I started to look some extension, or app, or desktop software that allows to copy pure text without any formatting. And I found, that there is actually exists a key combination that works without any software!
In Windows You should just copy-paste the text with formatting, select the copied part, click Ctrl + Spacebar and formatting is gone. Unfortunately this does not remove hyperlinks or tables.
In Mac OS You should copy the text and paste it with hot keys Cmd + Alt + Shift + V and text is pasted without formatting. Unlike Windows combination this also removes hyperlinks and tables.
In both OS's these hot keys are working everywhere: in text editors, in browsers, in mail clients etc.

January 15, 2014

Quietnet - Spy Chat

Very interesting repo in GitHub - quietnet.
Simple chat program using near ultrasonic frequencies. Works without Wifi or Bluetooth and won't show up in a pcap.
So basically there is 2 scripts and You can send ASCII messages, transforms it into (near) ultrasonic sound and listener transforms it back into ASCII message.
With MacBook Pro native speakers it didn't work. But with microlab external speakers works pretty well (sender on the left and listener on the right):
As You can see, not all messages works perfectly: first 2 messages were not successfully sent, third is misspelled. But all others are transported perfectly!
Software does not have any practical profit (and the distance between sender and listener is limited by speakers volume and microphone sensitivity), but it very interesting to play with it.

January 11, 2014

+iD - The World’s Smallest ID Card Reader

At the beginning of the year Estonian media announced the launch of startup - compact and stylish Smart Card reader (Estonian startup launches a compact and stylish Smart Card reader).
In Estonia most people have ID smart cards, which we are using for making bank transactions, on-line identifications etc (you can read about it on, so I immediately wanted to buy it, because I love compact and simple things. And I bought it on official site for 29€.
First impression - nice. Smart card reader works perfectly on Windows 7 and on Mac OS 10.9.1, truly simple and compact design.
But then I tried microSD card reader and it didn't work neither on Windows nor on Mac OS - both OS's just didn't see the card. I tried everything but could't make it work. So I wrote to the tech support on Friday night and they answered me on Saturday morning (which is very cool), that I need to try push the microSD harder. And I tried with all my strength and it works!
So, +iD has all advantages which are called in the advertisement - compact, small, stylish, - but it has some disadvantages too, which are:
  • microSD card is sitting in the nest not very good - often contact is lost
  • blue light indicator is too near to the USB contacts, so if you push the reader to the end you can't see the light:

    Light indicator on Dell

    Light indicator on MacBook Pro
  • you can't use +iD if the nearby USB uses some other device:

But I am very satisfied with +iD. Media says - The product itself was invented by Martin Lazarev who travels a lot. For traveling it's truly perfect device!

January 4, 2014

String Generator v2.4

New version 2.4 of String Generator extension is now available in Google Store.

In latest version:
  * Code refactoring according to Uncle Bob's clean code philosophy
  * Now space is actually on 10th character (was on 11th and on 15th with umlauts)

And source code is also available on GitLab -

See new posts:
March 1, 2014 String Generator v3.0
March 18, 2014 stringG v3.1
April 8, 2014 stringG v3.2

January 3, 2014

Span Of Datetimes v0.4

New version of Chrome extension Span Of Datetimes v0.4.

In Latest Version:
  * Code refactoring according to uncle Bob's clean code philosophy
  * Small design changes
  * Hot keys:
    - Arrow Down key in the upper block field sets focus on the bottom block
    - Arrow Down key in the bottom section sets focus on the second line
    - Arrow Up key in the bottom block field sets focus on the upper block
    - Arrow Up key in the upper section sets focus on the first line
    - Arrow Right key sets focus on the right field (if there is one)
    - Arrow Left key sets focus on the left field (if there is one)

And now source code is available on GitLab - (finally I understood the value of release history).

See new posts:
March 3, 2014 spanD v1.0
April 12, 2014 spanD v1.1