
November 20, 2013

Mikko Hypponen and Paula Januszkiewicz

Span Of Datetimes v0.2

As usually, right after pilot version there is second version on the other day - Span of Datetimes.

In new version:
* Fixed tab indexes:
-- 1 start date
-- 2 end date (because dates are mandatory and time not)
-- 3 start time
-- 4 end time
-- 5 days to add
-- 6 hours to add
-- 7 date for adding
-- 8 time for adding

* New regular expression: now it is possible to enter a date and time without a symbols. For example 10122013 1000.

* Arrow down key in the first section (span) is makes to jump focus down and arrow up key in the second section (adding) sets focus in the first section.

See new posts:
December 3, 2013 Span Of Datetimes v0.3
January 3, 2014 Span Of Datetimes v0.4
March 3, 2014 spanD v1.0
April 12, 2014 spanD v1.1

November 18, 2013

Span Of Datetimes v0.1

I have a lot of situations at work when I have to test the span of dates. For example, software should automatically calculate the date in 160 days from sysdate. Or it should calculate the number of days between two dates. Usually I used different online calculators for that kind of stuff, but at last decided to write a Chrome extension (which is more convenient).

So, here is the pilot version of Span of Datetimes.

As always, the main point is in simplicity and speed: you can use this extension only with keyboard - completely without a mouse!

Useful things that may be interesting for users:
* Regexps for inserting dates and times:
Dates /([0,1,2,3][0-9])[\., \,, \-, \/]([0,1,2][0-9])[\., \,, \-, \/]([1,2][0-9][0-9][0-9])/
Times /([0,1,2][0-9])[:, \., \,. \-]([0,1,2,3,4,5][0-9])/

* Format for date input is european DD.MM.YYYY.
* Works with negative values! For example, add -1 days to 02.10.2013 will be 01.10.2013.

One thing that I really wanted to do, but didn't succeed - masks for input fields. I used a jQuery for writing a mask functions and it worked in usual HTML page, but it didn't work if a opened same page in extension mode. So it some kind of jQuery-extension integration problem. So I hope I'll do masks in next versions.

And useful tip about browser - you can configure hot-keys for extension in the Google Chrome: * open the extensions tab - chrome://extensions/; * Link "Configure commands" at the bottom;
* Choose an extension and type a shortcut.

See new posts:
November 20, 2013 Span Of Datetimes v0.2
December 3, 2013 Span Of Datetimes v0.3
January 3, 2014 Span Of Datetimes v0.4
March 3, 2014 spanD v1.0
April 12, 2014 spanD v1.1

November 16, 2013

String Generator v2.0

Today client sent an error:
ORA-12899: value too large for column "CONTACT"
(actual:51, maximum:50)

So the CONTACT field in the base is VARCHAR2(50) and user is trying to save a value of 51 characters in it. But we have a validation for HTML field, so user can't insert more than 50 characters.

The thing is that user inserted umlaut characters (such as äöüõ) which takes more than 1 byte. Datatype VARCHAR2(50) means that it can store 50 bytes and with umlauts it means less than 50 characters. So to find this bug (in this case datatype should be VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)) I needed to test field with characters than takes more than 1 byte.

So I made a new version of String Generator 2.0 extension, which can now generate text string with umlauts:

See new posts:
December 4, 2013 String Generator v2.3
January 4, 2014 String Generator v2.4
March 1, 2014 String Generator v3.0
March 18, 2014 stringG v3.1
April 8, 2014 stringG v3.2